Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wasting less time with Priority Inbox for MS Outlook

I recently came to the conclusion that I wasted too much time moving emails back and forth in my MS Outlook folders. Googlemail just introduced a new feature which I also wanted to implement for Outlook: Priority Inbox. This basically moves the most important (new, or flagged) messages on top of your inbox and simply ignores the rest (with google and in many companies you get unlimited storage) to stay on top of your information overflow.

So, how can you set this up in Outlook?
  • First, you need to group the inbox by Flag Status
  • Secondly you start using the flags for messages (e.g., some messages are flagged for follow up, other’s are completed, the rest is unflagged) 


  • Don’t worry about the unflagged messages, although it might be a strange feeling at first to have so many messages in your inbox. The idea is that you don’t waste time deleting or sorting messages into folders that are rather unimportant. Most messages are trash, then there is messages that contain info you simply need to know about - and finally there is a couple of items where you actually have to do something (=flag them to move them on top of the pile!).
  • If you want you can use two folders and move all your @Completed and @Unflagged messages into these dumps at the end of the week.
  • Today's searches (yes, even the Microsoft search) are quite powerful. They'll help you find you what you are looking for.
Remember: don’t waste time with old news.

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