Friday, February 25, 2011

Johnny Bunko's 6 Career Secrets

I just learned the following helpful career advises:
  1. There is no plan: Don't spend too much time planning your career. It often turns out differently. Be open for challenges.
  2. Think strengths not weaknesses: Focus on your strengths and improve them!
  3. It is not about you: It is about making other people look good and helping out.
  4. Make excellent mistakes: If you make a mistake, don't panic. Learn from it. Only strong people can handle mistakes. Other's would rather try to avoid mistakes which won't lead to innovation.
  5. Persistence trumps talent: In the long run it is more important to persist at what you do. Keep on doing what you do and you will succeed.
  6. Leave an imprint: Try to make a difference in your job and your life now. Be enthusiastic at what you do. This makes it easier to succeed.
(The adventures of Johnny Bunko, The last career guide you'll ever need by Daniel H. Pink)

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