Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Web2.0 tools

Web2.0 is a big term. This is a list of my favorite applications:
  1. Wiki: Although it is supposed to be used by many people and profit from several contributions I believe that it is a good way for presenting and discussing information to a wider audience. This helps to reduce email. I use it for Project Management, too!
  2. Blog: I just created this blog so the impact still needs to evaluated. But I read many blogs that help me spot trends and get information quick and when I need it.
  3. Social Networks: StudiVZ, WerKenntWen, Lokalisten, Xing, Facebook, MySpace - a lot of social networks exist in Germany. I wish there was a big consolidation and I would find all my friends in one location.
  4. Delicious: Bookmarks are no longer stored on your computer but on the web. You can tag and find them easily.
Disappointing tools:
  1. Instant Messanging: Skype, ICQ, MSN - many tools are out there but none of them is good enough yet. And I am not talking about the features. Usually when you switch on your IM 32 people want to chat with you - more often than not we find ourselves wasting the most valuable resource we have: time.
  2. Chat: It is hard to really focus on a conversation when so many people 'talk' at once. Chats can be good to support other tools (e.g. online meetings).

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